Double the double By Läsch in Smoker 3. August 2019 Double the double Dieses Video auf YouTube ansehen Smoking Friends >>> Double the double Dieses Video auf YouTube ansehen
Kody Johnson 20. Januar 2018 at 16:50 Antworten Do you ever smoke doubles in public places? I can’t seem to muster the courage to do it.
Pleasure Seeker 20. Januar 2018 at 22:07 Antworten Wow man. Tarred up lungs of steel. You are my superhero 🙂
MReds1973 29. Januar 2018 at 05:16 Antworten Awesome feeding man! Would be awesome to be there with all that good smoke!
Hot !!!!
Do you ever smoke doubles in public places? I can’t seem to muster the courage to do it.
That’s how to feed the need bro!
Wow man. Tarred up lungs of steel. You are my superhero 🙂
Hot. I like the left arm action.
Awesome feeding man! Would be awesome to be there with all that good smoke!